Doppol - Trending books for kids

Books about New Beginnings

Book cover of 'New Beginnings'

New Beginnings

Johnny Reed, 2018

Book cover of 'Gertrude's Moving Day'

Gertrude's Moving Day

Kay Coop, K. COOP, 2003

Book cover of 'The Mad Scientists of New Jersey (Volume 1)'

The Mad Scientists of New Jersey (Volume 1)

Chris Sorensen, Harmful Monkey Press, 2016

Book cover of 'New Kid'

New Kid

Jerry Craft, 2019

Book cover of 'Becoming: Adapted for Young Readers'

Becoming: Adapted for Young Readers

Michelle Obama, 2021

Book cover of 'From Here to There: Inventions That Changed the Way the World Moves'

From Here to There: Inventions That Changed the Way the World Moves

Vivian Kirkfield, Gilbert Ford, 2021

Book cover of 'New Windmills: The Splendid Journey (New Windmills)'

New Windmills: The Splendid Journey (New Windmills)

Honore Morrow, Honoré Willsie Morrow, Edward Shenton, 1970

Book cover of 'Liam the Entrepreneur Starts with Why'

Liam the Entrepreneur Starts with Why

Patrick Lowndes, Dinosaur House, 2023